For Mac, Chromium binaries are binaries are available on FreeSMUG. Chromium binaries are also provided by third parties. Instructions are available for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android and iOS. The official website provides the source code, as well as instructions on how to compile it and build the application from the source. Things are a little different for the Chromium browser.
This makes it very easy for users to download and start using the software. Where applicable, both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are provided. Google Chrome offers executable binaries for all major platforms - Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Installation Binaries (software you can use) Even with these features, Google Chrome still follows the minimalist web browser style, which promotes lighter, easy to view interface. Other differences include an option for usage stats and crash reports to be automatically sent to Google servers, as well as occasional advertising from Google, such as for the Chromebook. The following features of Google Chrome are not included in Chromium: Google Chrome features not found in Chromium